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Yesterday, in honor of theAmerican Heart Association's upcoming Go Red For Women campaign kickoff, welisted three key facts about women and heart disease.

You now know that heartdisease is the No. 1 killer of women, that it is more common and deadly thanbreast cancer and that more women die from it each year than men. Today, wepresent three more facts. As always, visit for furtherinformation.

The annual Go Red For Women campaign - represented here by the famed Red Dress logo - kicks off during American Heart Month in February.

Women are generallyunaware of their heart disease risk. Only one in fivewomen believes that heart disease is their No. 1 health threat.

Women are less likelyto seek help during a cardiac emergency. Studies indicatethat women are less likely to call 9-1-1 for themselves when experiencingsymptoms of a heart attack than they are for someone else having a heartattack.

Go Red For Womenchanges lives for the better. Women who areactively engaged in the American Heart Association's Go Red For Women campaignare likely to make healthier lifestyle choices to improve their heart health.In fact, nearly 90 percent of those involved have made at least one healthybehavior change.

Stay tuned to The Heart Beatnext week for more Go Red For Women tips and information.

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