Aedai Ltd

Mill Cottage, Parkgate


55.16528, -3.55435

Security Products & Systems

Listed under:  Alarm & Security Systems, Electrical Contractor, Electricians, Fire Alarms

100% recommended: 10/10

1 reviews since 2023

Fire Protection Association

Fire Protection Association

The Fire Protection Association is the UK’s leading fire safety organisation, committed to setting the highest industry standards, influencing policy and supporting our members with the most comprehensive fire safety news, advice, training, resources and exclusive member benefits to support you in your role.

Institute of Fire Safety Managers

Institute of Fire Safety Managers

The Institute of Fire Safety Managers is a professional body of highly respected individuals and companies who all share the same objective: “To raise the awareness of fire safety at a local, national and international level, promoting fire prevention, fire protection and reducing the risk from fire as far as reasonably practicable.” Our members are at the forefront of the fire profession industry, receiving the latest news, standards, technical advances and dissemination from other fire related organisations worldwide.

Institution of Fire Engineers

Institution of Fire Engineers

The Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) is a global professional membership body for those in the fire sector that seek to increase their knowledge, professional recognition and understanding of fire through a global discourse. With over 100 years of history, the IFE is instrumental in shaping a future world that is safer from fire.



Health and safety accreditation allows businesses to show that their health and safety documentation is up to date and meets recognised industry standards.

SafeContractor delivers a tailored health and safety accreditation allowing contractors to showcase their capabilities to potential customers. To gain your health and safety accreditation you submit your details on one online platform and complete an assessment once a year, promoting your business to hundreds of organisations. Join a community of over 33,000 like-minded contractors and use the SafeContractor badge to enhance your business profile and demonstrate compliance.

Security Institute

Security Institute

The Security Institute is a United Kingdom based professional body for security professionals. Membership of the Institute is open to security professionals, with other individuals with an interest in security being able to become affiliated.



With its foundation as The Electrical Contractors' Association of Scotland at the birth of a new century, SELECT became the first trade association in the world to serve the electrical industry.

From its beginnings, SELECT has led industry standards and we continue to ensure that work carried out by Member companies is of the highest quality, employs the best of modern technology and, above all, is safe. Enforcement of the approved standards is carried out by SELECT's Inspection Service which is accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service to ISO/IEC 17020.

Membership of SELECT gives clients confidence that they are dealing with a quality contractor backed by a comprehensive range of guarantee schemes, a Charter on client complaints and a Code of Conduct with disciplinary procedures built in.

Trading Standards - Dumfries and Galloway

Trading Standards - Dumfries and Galloway

The Dumfries and Galloway Trusted Trader Scheme is a local business partnership aimed at increasing consumer confidence, supporting local businesses, and helping protect people from doorstep crime. The scheme is operated by Dumfries and Galloway Council Trading Standards Service. Businesses signing up to the scheme must abide by certain terms and conditions which reflect their responsible and sensible approach to the way they trade and conduct their business.

A major feature of the scheme is customer feedback which is published on an online database maintained by an independent third party, Referenceline Ltd.

Member firms shall be responsible for their work and Dumfries and Galloway Council accepts no liability for any work done.

The information shown above is provided by the firm or the relevant body. Memberships may lapse or require renewal so we recommend that you check that the firm is still a member when you contact them. Please tell Referenceline about any misleading claims.