Anglia Roofline Co Ltd

20 The Street, Lenwade

52.72394, 1.14599

Replacement Fascias, Soffits and Guttering

Listed under:  Fascias, Bargeboards & Soffits, Flat Roof Rubber Cover Replacement, Gutters / Guttering

99% recommended: 9.6/10

644 reviews since 2010

We welcome feedback from all genuine customers. We will forward your details below to the firm and they will reply to you with a link to their feedback page.

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  Your Name
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If the business does not reply to your request:
Please email us attaching an invoice or other correspondence to show that you have accepted a quotation or estimate from the business. We will ask the business to send you the link to give your feedback. If they do not send you the link within a reasonable period of time, then we will send you the link instead.

If you don't have an invoice, quotation or estimate:
It is normal for consumers to ask at least 3 businesses for an estimate or a quote. We don't generally encourage feedback about these rejected businesses, since there would be at least twice as many reviews about "why this business was not right for me".

We do want to hear about behaviour which you consider should give rise to a complaint
Please forward copies of all relevant correspondence including the contact details of the person you have dealt with at the business. We will forward your feedback to the relevant body for independent dispute resolution (ADR) and or Trading Standards where appropriate. If your complaint is found to be valid, then we will publish your review together with a summary of the finding of the ADR process, where available.