RJW Electrical Services (Lochmaben) Ltd

Masonic Hall, 14 High Street, Lochmaben

DG11 1NH

55.06569, -3.41862


Listed under:  Electrical Contractor, Electricians, PAT Testing, Solar Panels

98% recommended: 9.8/10

89 reviews since 2014

National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (Approved Contractor)

National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (Approved Contractor)

The NICEIC maintains a register of electrical contractors, assessed every year by one of the Council's Area Engineers to confirm that their business and the technical standard of their electrical work complies with the Council's rules.

Where a consumer is not satisfied with the technical standard of an Approved Contractor's electrical work, the NICEIC offers a complaints resolution service.

Renewable Energy Consumer Code

Renewable Energy Consumer Code

The Renewable Energy Consumer Code was set up by the Renewable Energy Association. Our aim is to guarantee a high quality experience for consumers wishing to buy or lease small-scale energy generation systems for their homes. The Renewable Energy Consumer Code logo is a sign that the company has agreed to abide by the high standards set out in our Consumer Code.

Trading Standards - Dumfries and Galloway

Trading Standards - Dumfries and Galloway

The Dumfries and Galloway Trusted Trader Scheme is a local business partnership aimed at increasing consumer confidence, supporting local businesses, and helping protect people from doorstep crime. The scheme is operated by Dumfries and Galloway Council Trading Standards Service. Businesses signing up to the scheme must abide by certain terms and conditions which reflect their responsible and sensible approach to the way they trade and conduct their business.

A major feature of the scheme is customer feedback which is published on an online database maintained by an independent third party, Referenceline Ltd.

Member firms shall be responsible for their work and Dumfries and Galloway Council accepts no liability for any work done.



TrustMark is a not for profit organisation, licensed by Government and supported by consumer protection groups, helping you find local, trustworthy & reliable tradesmen, operating to Government endorsed standards.

TrustMark is a quality mark which operates a framework under which 30 plus scheme operators working in the Repair, Maintenance and Improvement sectors are approved to carry the TrustMark logo and recruit reputable and trustworthy tradesmen.

All of these scheme operators are audited annually by TrustMark, to ensure processes, standards and complaints procedures are being maintained.

The information shown above is provided by the firm or the relevant body. Memberships may lapse or require renewal so we recommend that you check that the firm is still a member when you contact them. Please tell Referenceline about any misleading claims.